What I've taught, past and present.
Note: Links on past course pages may be dead or the material they point to may have changed.
Note: Links on past course pages may be dead or the material they point to may have changed.
Spring 2025
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 440—Data Mining and Visualization (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 491—Senior Capstone (syllabus)
Fall 2024
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 302—Web Programming II (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 489—Senior Research (syllabus)
CSC 491—Senior Capstone (syllabus)
BIN 602—Data Mining for Bioinformatics (syllabus)
Summer 2024
Spring 2024
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 460—Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 489—Senior Research (syllabus)
CSC 491—Senior Capstone (syllabus)
Fall 2023
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar (syllabus | Canvas course)
HON 350—Writing with AI (co-taught with Prof. Sam Alexander)
CSC 399—Independent Study: CFW Article Recommender System (syllabus)
CSC 489—Senior Research (syllabus)
Summer 2023
CSC 161—Data Structures & Algorithms (syllabus)
Spring 2023
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 261—Visual Programming II (syllabus)
CSC 440—Data Mining and Visualization (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II (syllabus)
Fall 2022
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 302—Web Programming II (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I (syllabus)
DS 303—Discovering Information in Data (Loyola University Maryland)
Spring 2022
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 460—Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II (syllabus)
CSC 499—Independent Study: Software Engineering in Practice (syllabus)
Fall 2021
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 360—Software Engineering (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I (syllabus)
Spring 2021
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 399—Independent Study: Improving the user experience and content in the Alice web application (syllabus)
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II (syllabus)
CSC 499—Independent Study: Improving EntiTies based on stakeholder feedback (syllabus)
Fall 2020
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 302—Web Programming II (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 333—Innovation Seminar
LST 201—(Co-taught with Sam Alexander) Interdiciplinary Seminar: The Network Society
Summer 2020
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II (directed study)
Spring 2020
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 460—Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II (syllabus | Canvas course)
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I (directed study)
Fall 2019
Sabbatical! I implemented EntiTies, a web app for extracting social networks from texts.
- live version of EntiTies
- GitHub repo
- Endicott write up here ("A Sabbatical with Little Rest")
- CHIIR 2020 demonstration (along with Phil Lombardo and Tim Amello)
Spring 2019
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 440—Data Mining & Visualization
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II
Fall 2018
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 302—Web Programming II
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar
Summer 2018
LLP 2018—Lynn Public Schools Learning and Leadership Program at Endicott College, Computer Science Week
Spring 2018
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
HON 350—The Network Society (co-taught with Sam Alexander, Ph.D.)
CSC 460—Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II
GWC—Girls Who Code
Fall 2017
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 340—Database Management
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar
GWC—Girls Who Code
Summer 2017
LLP 2017—Lynn Public Schools Learning and Leadership Program at Endicott College, Computer Science Week
SPTE 2017—Endicott's Summer Program in Technology and Entrepreneurship
Spring 2017
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 401—Web Programming II
CSC 440—Data Mining & Visualization
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II
CSC 333—Innovations Seminar (Canvas page)
Fall 2016
CSC 160.01/02—Introduction to Programming
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II
*** 333—Innovations Seminar (Canvas page)
Summer 2016
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I
LLP 2016—Lynn Public Schools Learning and Leadership Program at Endicott College, Computer Science Week
Spring 2016
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 340—Database Management
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II
*** 333—Innovations Seminar (Canvas page)
Fall 2015
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 270—System/Software Quality Assurance
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I
*** 333—Innovations Seminar
Summer 2015
LLP 2015—Lynn Public Schools Learning and Leadership Program at Endicott College, Computer Science Week
- Face detection feature extractor—works with smart phones!
Freshman orientation mini-course—Rise of the Machines: How computers detect faces in images
Spring 2015
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 261—Visual Programming II and Object Oriented Design
CSC 401—Advanced Web Design and Programming
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II
Fall 2014
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming
CSC 340—Database Management
CSC 489—Senior Thesis I
CSC/BIO 377—Innovations Seminar
CSC 296—Research Independent Study
Spring 2014
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming in C++
CSC 161—Data Structures and Algorithms
CSC 401—Advanced Web Design and Programming
CSC 490—Senior Thesis II
CSC 499—Independent Study on User Modeling
Fall 2013
CSC 101.02—Introduction to Computer Science
CSC 160—Introduction to Programming in C++
CSC 340—Database Management