

For this homework you will investigate one server side and one client side web technology (framework/library/language) and make a report. You will then present your technologies to the class. Each student must pick a different pair of technologies. The options are listed below—email me a ranked list of each set. First come, first serve. If you would like to investigate a different technology, you must get approval from me, first.

Server-side technologies

Client-side technologies

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This homework has two parts: a short written report and a presentation. The requirements of each is listed below.

Report (5 points)

The report should reflect key information about the technologies you've investigated. These reports will be put on the class web site. They should be roughly 1–2 pages single spaced per technology and should include the following:

Presentation (5 points)

You will present both of the technologies you researched. This serves to both make other students aware of these technologies, as well as allows me to evaluate how thorough your investigation was. Presentations should:

Ensure that you follow general presentation etiquette: introduce your self, speak loudly and clearly, don't put too much text on the screen, make eye contact, and don't go too fast or too slow.

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Student's picks and presentation schedule

While I'm hoping for 4 students a day, everyone should be ready to present on Tuesday! That's especially relevant for the folks in the middle (e.g., Brenna). Here's the presentation order:

OrderNameServer SideClient Side
4.MarkCodeIgniterHigh Charts
5.BrennaRuby on RailsYUI
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You should submit your report on Canvas by the deadline. You will be randomly assigned a day to present.

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