Mini-project 5: User login
The point of this project is to practice authenticating a user. You should do one of the following:
- use your own authentication method, where you store a user's password
in a database (MySQL, PostgresQL, or MongoDB)
- be sure to use salted hashing; see the PHP password hashing functions
- use oAuth to give users a "Log in with..." option (we're only using oAuth for authentication, not authorization to access a users' data on that account); you can use any popular website that supports oAuth, such as these:
You should create at least one file (if you need more, that's fine), mp5.php. This should take care of the following:
- displaying the sign in fields and buttons if the user is not logged in
- displaying sign out buttons if the user is logged in
- process requests to log in or out
- use cookies to keep track of whether a user is logged in
Your file should be located on Joust in the directory ~/public_html/csc401/mp5/, in addition to being uploaded to Canvas. The rubric can be found here. The Canvas submission page is here.
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