
The purpose of this mini-project is to acquaint you with Java and using the command line with Java.

Create a module called MP1. In MP1, create a class called MP1 (which should be in a Java file called with a main method (so it is runnable from the command line, either in a terminal or in IntelliJ). Your class should have three other methods:

main should interact with the user to decide which of these three methods to invoke (e.g., "Which method would you like: [r]ead name, [d]isplay name, d[i]splay odd numbers, or [q]uit?") and invoke the proper method. An option to quit should be given, and if/when selected by the user, the program should exit (System.exit(0)).


Create a JAR file for MP1. See this page for the rubric. See the Canvas page to upload your submission.

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