

In this lab, you will write a program that interacts with a user. Don't worry, I'll give you much of what you need to complete it.

This program is going to act like it's intelligent, but it won't be. It will ask the user questions, and then provide statements that make it seem like it's understood what the user wrote, but those statements will be meaningless. Here's an example (my input is in this color):

                      WELCOME    TO    JOE'S    CAFE
Cashier: Hello! What's your name?
You:     Hank
Cashier: Welcome to Joe's Cafe, Hank. What would you like? A coffee or espresso?
You:     espresso
Cashier: Good choice, I love espresso. Do you want that for here or to-go?
You:     to-go
Cashier: Great, one espresso to-go, that will be $3. Would you like to donate
         to the Joe's Children Fund? How much would you like to give?
You:     1.50
Cashier: Thanks, Hank, your total is $4.50 and your order will be right up.

You can use this example as your script, or you can do something similar. The important parts are, the program must:

Here is a C++ template to get you started. Copy and paste this into a Sublime Text editor and begin writing your code. You should use an incremental approach: implement one or two lines, then try compiling and test the program.


Submit .cpp file to here. You can view the rubric here.

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