Question 1

Write code to ask a user his or her first name, age, and GPA. Print the results back in the sentence: "[name], you are [age] years old and your GPA is [gpa]". Use appropriate types!! Don't worry about main—just write the code for this part.


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Question 2

Building on the previous question, print the year the user was born based on the given age; if they were born in the 1960s (1960-1969) print "far out".


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Question 3

Write the C++ code to prompt the user: "Please choose the [s]horter path or [l]onger path:"; keep prompting them until a valid choices is entered (either s or l).


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Question 4

Provide two or more reasons a programmer may want to use functions.


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Question 5

Define a function called "echo" that returns nothing and takes a single parameter: a name to print. The function should print "Hi", followed by the name passed in. Below the definition, write the code to invoke echo so that it will print out your name.


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Question 6

Provide two or more reasons a programmer may want to use arrays.


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Question 7

Declare and initialize an array called "friends" containing 5 friends' names.


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Question 8

Write the code to iterate over the array and print out each of your friends' names.


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Question 9

Conceptually, what is the difference between pass-by-reference and pass-by-value? How does the syntax differ between the two?


In pass-by-value, the parameters are copied from the caller's memory space (e.g., in main) to the function instance's memory. Any reassignments to the function's copy within the function will not be reflected in the caller's copy.

In pass-by-reference, denoted by a the parameter name preceded with &, the function's parameter is directly linked to the caller's memory. Reassignments made to the parameter will be reflected in the caller's memory.

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Question 10

Provide two or more reasons a programmer may want to use structs.


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