

The purpose of this lab will be to exercise planning and incrementally implementing a programming project. Here's the program description:

The program should start off by displaying a welcome message. It should then print out the first ten numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. The first two numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are always 1 and 1. Every number after that is the sum of the previous two numbers. E.g., 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ... The program must calculate these numbers and print them out along the way. You can hard code only the first two numbers. Finally, once all of the numbers have been displayed, end with a parting message.
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Do each of these things and have the professor check them out as you complete them.

  1. Create a flowchart for the program (use paper, or something like PowerPoint or Google Presentation)
  2. Make a skeleton for the program; be sure to include a header, etc. (see the style guide)
  3. Add pseudo code as comments in main, mirroring your flowchart
  4. Incrementally implement the steps that go with the pseudo code; you should be compiling and testing the program after implementing each step
  5. Show me the final version
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