
PHP Basics

Every PHP file needs to have a .php extension and the PHP code contained within PHP tags in the file. E.g.:

HTML goes here.

If you are writing a pure PHP file (no HTML below the closing tag), then make sure you don't have any new lines below that closing tag. It can cause parsing issues.

Another thing you must be careful of is placing semi-colons at the end of every statement. You'll get cryptic parsing errors if you don't.

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You can use three styles of comments:

For the C style and Hash comments, everything after the comment marker until the end of the line is a comment. For the C++ style, everything between the comment markers is considered a comment. Here's an example:

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Variable names all start with a $ and there is no explicit typing. PHP uses dynamic typing, so it knows the type of a variable based on the value assigned to the variable. The type can change as different values are assigned. Here are some examples:

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You can print using two different function: echo and print. You don't need to worry about including parentheses. E.g.,

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You can use either single or double quote for strings. However, double quoted strings will be processed by PHP, while single quoted strings will not. The processing that double quoted strings get includes the following:

You can concatenate strings and other variables together using the . operator. E.g., echo "This is the value of myInt: " . $myInt;.

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Arrays and associate arrays (tables)

Besides scalar values, PHP also supports arrays and associative arrays (which are sometimes called maps, tables, or hash tables in other languages). Arrays can contain any kind of data and it can be mixed. You can have a single array that consists of strings, ints, floats, arrays, and associative arrays. Associative arrays are basically the same, but rather than being indexed numerically, they are indexed by name—a key that is a string. Here's an example of each:

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Functions are declared using the function keyword. Like any variable, the parameter names must be preceded with a $. Here's a function that squares the input parameter and returns the result:

You cannot directly access global variables within a function. For example, the following will not work (or as expected):

$x = 5; function squareX(){ return $x*$x; }

In this example, $x does not exist within the scope of the squareX function. In order to get access to $x you must use either the $GLOBALS array, or the global keyword. Here they are in two separate, but equivalent, functions:

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Error handling

When you access a php page via a web browser and there are errors during the parsing or execution of the PHP code, you will not be warned about it. The page will either not load or will be blank (you might get a 500 or similar error). During development, it's handy to have these errors displayed. To do that, at the top of a PHP file and just after the opening php tag, include the following:

Be sure to comment this out before your code goes into production mode! That way users won't see the errors.

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Two ways (among others) that information can be passed to a server is via POST and GET requests. POST is used for form data, usually, and is not embedded in the URL. GET, on the other had, is embedded in the URL. Here's what a URL with GET parameters looks like:

The general pattern is that we need a question mark at the end of the address, then pairs of keys and values (just like a map/associative array/object/table) with &'s in between.


The parameters from GET are stored in the global $_GET associative array. You can access a particular parameter's value by doing: $_GET["key"], where key is the key of the parameter you want to lookup. Suppose I entered the parameters: ?name=hank&password=12345. Then to get the value of the name parameter, I would do $_GET["name"].


POST is exactly the same as GET, except the global associative array is named $_POST. You access parameters the same way.

URL encoding

Data sent to a server, especially by GET, is usually encoded in something called URL Encoding or URI Encoding. Fortunately, that doesn't matter for us, because the $_GET and $_POST variables already take care of decoding those.

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JSON is a great format for providing data from an API. It stands for JavaScript Object Notation, the reason being that objects (associative arrays) in JavaScript are written almost exactly the way a JSON string looks.

Converting to and from JSON

Because JSON is a popular data format, PHP has added built-in support for it via two functions: json_encode() and json_decode().

For example, suppose I have the following PHP associative array:

We can output this as a JSON string by issuing: print json_encode($users);. Here's what the full page would look like:

That produces the following JSON:

Converting from JSON to PHP is easy, too. Consider the following code, which is an extension of the above code:

At the end, the variable $asPHPArrayAgain has the same contents as the original PHP array that we converted into JSON.

A PHP page that only outputs JSON

To create a PHP page that only outputs JSON (not HTML), include the following at the top of your file: header('Content-type: application/json');. Be sure to not emit anything other than JSON. You also cannot have more than one JSON string output, e.g., you should have only a single print statement and a single invocation of json_encode().

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PHP + MongoDB

In order to talk to a MongoDB database in PHP, we have to do a few things:

  1. establish an authenticated connect to the Mongo client
  2. select the database you want to access
  3. specify the collection you want to access
  4. interact with the collection (insert, retrieve, update, and remove documents)

We'll talk about each of these in turn.

Connect to Mongo client

To establish a connection to the database. For our class, we also need to authenticate (so that each group can only see their own database). To do this, you will need to know your database username, password, and the database you want to access. Here's what it looks like (you can set the variables at the top to your information):

By default, we will be conntecting to localhost:27017—that's the port through which the MongoDB client listens for requests.

In a setting outside of this class, you might have a MongoDB instance running that does not require authentication. If that's the case, then you can simply do: $connection = new MongoClient();.

Select the database

Once you've established connection, you'll want to select the database you want to access. In MongoDB, each database consists of 0 or more collections. In order to get access to a collection, we must first select the database that holds the collection:

Select collection

Now that we've selected a database, we can access collections. In MongoDB, a collection is simply a set of documents ("a collection of documents"). So, databases house collections, and collections house documents. A fun thing about MongoDB is that, if you go to access a collection that doesn't exist in the current database, it'll automatically be created for you! So, let's say we want to create a collection called "example". Here's how we'd do that:

Now $collection points at our collection.


There are four main operations we'll need to perform:

  1. insert a new document
  2. retrieve an existing document
  3. update an existing document
  4. removing a document altogether

In order to insert a document, we need to understand what a document is...

What is a document?

In MongoDB, a document is an object very similar to JSON (it's called BSON—see this page for more info (Links to an external site.)). We can use PHP associative arrays directly as documents and insert these into MongoDB. When you retrieve documents, they are also returned as PHP associative arrays. E.g.,

Inserting a new document

To insert a document, use the insert() function. This takes as its only parameter the data you want to store. Here's an example:

A unique identifier will be created for this document. If you have another document with the same name and hasPets fields, they will each be separate documents in the collection, with distinct ids. We'll see more about ids in the next section.

Retrieving a document

There are a couple of ways to retrieve documents. If you are looking to iterate through all of the documents in a collection, then use the find() function with no arguments. That returns a cursor that you can then iterate over. Here's an example that prints the result out as a JSON string an also demonstrates how the result can be accessed just like a usual old associative array:

You can also add search criteria. You can specify what values select fields must contain in order for a document to be include in the result that the cursor iterates over. For example, if we want to find all documents in our collection where the name field is equal to Bob, then we would issue the following command:

When we iterate over cursor, we will only see documents where name is "Bob". To find all documents where the hasPets field is set to true, we can do:

Now what if we are only looking for a single result? Perhaps we know that the name field is unique, so we would rather not get a cursor, but just the first result. There's a special function for that called findOne(). This returns an associative array. Here's how we might use it:

Updating an existing document

A common operation is to update an existing document. First, we need to find the document, then update it. Here's an example of the general process:

Removing an item

Removing an document is easy: just specify the criteria of the document you want to remove when calling the remove() function:

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PHP + PostgreSQL

One way of accessing PostgreSQL from PHP is to use the PostgreSQL Functions (the other way is to use the PDO_PGSQL driver and then use the PDO functions).


Before you can run queries, you need to connect to the database, which can be done as follows:

In most cases, you won't need the $dbconn variable any more—most pg_*() functions only take it as an optional parameter. Once you're finished, close the connection like this:


Before doing any insert statement or series of atomic statement, you should enter into a transaction. Transactions begin an end like this:

Sometimes it may be the case that we realize we want to cancel a transaction, that is, ignore any queries up until now. We can do that by issuing a ROLLBACK statement:

Running queries

There are several ways to issue queries to a PostgreSQL database. The simplest, which is not secure when you are interpolating user provided values, is as follows:

Note that pg_query() returns a query result resource if successful and false otherwise. The query result resource is basically a 2D array of table rows and columns. Columns are listed in the order specified by the select statement, or the table (if * is used).

As mentioned, the pg_query() function shouldn't be used when using user provided data (e.g., values provided via POST or GET). This leaves us open for SQL injection attacks. On safer alternative (there are several) is to use the pg_query_params() function, which works like this:

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PHP Cookies

Cookies are small containers of information stored in a user's browser and can be accessed—read and written—by a server. Each cookie is associated with a particular server and a particular directory of that server. A PHP page being served from a directory D on server S can only access cookies from a user's browser that are associated with S and any directory D or higher level D (e.g., if for a given cookie, D is "/" (the root directory), then all directories on S can access that cookie).

Why use a cookie? Cookies can be used to store information about a user that might otherwise be stored in a database, such as the last time the user logged on. They are often used for session management, by storing in the cookie that a user has logged in. Cookie's have expiration dates, after which they will be removed by the browser. So a website may use a cookie to allow users to stay logged in for a period of hours, days, or whatever they want.

To create a cookie in PHP, use the setcookie() function. You can read the API here. Here's a basic view of how it works:

You can use the cookie (or see if the cookie is set) via the $_COOKIE global array. E.g.,

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