Homework 1
This homework should be uploaded to Canvas by 11:59pm on Sunday, September 14. All submissions should be in PDF format (if you use Word, just 'PDF' in the 'Save as' dialog). Be sure to list who you've worked with, if anyone.
1. XML (5 pts.) Provide two advantages of XML over a relational database. Include a detailed rationale for why each is an advantage and an example of each.
2. Composition (5 pts.) What is composition and why is it a beneficial feature of relational databases? Provide an example.
3. Impedance mismatch (5 pts.) What is "impedance mismatch" and why is it a problem? Which of the data formats (relational DB, XML, or JSON) does not have impedance mismatch and why?
4. Exercise 2.3.1 from the book (15 pts.)
5. Exercise 2.3.2 from the book (15 pts.)
6. Keys and types (5 pts.) Say you want to create a relational database table to hold information about the number of Emmys television actors/actresses have won. You want the following attributes: last name, first name, age, role best known for, total Emmys won, date of first win, date of most recent win. Which attribute or set of attributes should make up the primary key? Why? Also, for each attribute, specify the appropriate type to use in the database specification.
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