Lab 9 Part 1 Snake Questions 1. What happens if you change SNAKE_LENGTH to 1? What's SNAKE_LENGTH do? 2. How many points are assigned each time the snake eats a piece of food? If you wanted to modify it so eating food was worth 20 points, what would you change in the program? Make the change and see if it worked. 3. Right now the speed with which the snake travels is only updated when the points reaches 100, and it only decreases by 10000 microseconds -- that's 10 milliseconds or 0.01 seconds. Change it so that the delay occurs when fewer points have been awarded and the delay is decreased to the point where it becomes noticeable. What did you change to make this happen and what values did you select? 4. Say I wanted you to change the border so that it is two characters thick on each side. What methods of SnakeGame would need to be modified? Hint: there's more than just one. Bonus: implement #4.