Topic Review Questions Portfolio Review 2 1. What is a sentinel value? Provide an example (no coding necessary). 2. Which loop (while, do-while, or for) is the most appropriate for each of the following cases, and why: A. A program will read in an response from the user, then keep re-prompting the user if the response is invalid. B. A program will read in a list of values from the user and stop when a sentinel value is reached. C. A program will count down from 3 to 1 to start a race. 3. What types (int, string, char, float, etc.) can switch statements operate on? 4. In a switch statement, if I want multiple cases to all execute the same code, what is the most elegant way to do this (i.e., with the least amount of code)? 5. What are the key differences between each of the loop types: while, do-while, and for?